
I use Photoshop to adjust or modify paper-drawings. Sometimes I vectorize black & white scribbles in Illustrator. There is always a bit of digital process involved. But I have never really drawn anything from scratch in graphic programs. It feels saver, more natural and closer to my ideas using pen and paper. There a certain restrictions (or call them disadvantages) that I like, for example that the sheet has a fixed height and width which you can´t change and the fear to fuck it up without beeing able to click your way back (no clean version control). I also like the soft scratching sound when the pen rolls over the paper and to tear a failure into pieces. It´s hard to do that with a graphic tablet.

scribble_bird nav^^Some of the hand-drawn stuff I did for the SoC website. I had lot´s of fun doing them. There is also an interview with me if you like to read: click here.

I am not ignoring a digital workflow at all though. It just means that I will probably always use anologue tools as my initial starting point and to get the idea out (perhaps like most people). From there…anything can happen. And it happened that I really drew something in Illustrator very recently ( for the first time). I imported the paper-drawings to act as my template, made a few brushes, traced the outlines and colored everything. Took longer than I thought, nevertheless it was also more fun than I thought.




IMG_1684^And also made some stickers. :) Want one?


Unrelated: also made new cards:



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[toggle title=”Spoiler”]Related: Let´s toss some paper



